The Chicago Heat Ordinance requires temperatures in residential buildings to be at least 68°F from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. and at least 66°F from 10:30 p.m. to 8:30 a.m. If that is not the case in your home, please call 311 immediately to schedule a heat inspection and to have the City enforce the law.
Second, the City’s snow plow tracker can be found here. All plows are equipped with GPS technology so you can follow the City’s progress clearing the streets in real time.
Third, make sure to shovel sidewalks adjacent to your residences and businesses. It’s not just a courtesy, it’s the law! While shoveling, please be mindful of the many residents who are unable to shovel their sidewalks. They rely on the kindness of neighbors and local organizations to make the sidewalks safe for everyone. If you would like to volunteer to shovel for those in need, you can be added to the City’s shoveling list by calling my office at 773-373-9273 and we will do our best to match you with a resident in need.